SeedsBit traceability for users

Trust, but verify. Scan the QR-code and access information about the product you have in your hands.
App SeedsBit Tracciabilità Blockchain con QRCode

How do I access the data?

Scan the QR-code and access information about the product you have in your hands. You will see product information (ingredients, nutritional characteristics, possible allergens), production process data (production, cultivation, treatment, composition) and the supply chain information (how it was transported and stored, when, by whom, compliance with eventual cold chain standards).

Seedsbit App Tracciabilità dei prodotti e dei processi alimentari

Ingredients and processing

It is simple to view multi-chain traceability. Selecting a product, a user will see all the elements that make it up or those in which it is present as an ingredient. In the same way, you will also be able to know the processes involving your favourite product or dish, and interesting facts about it.

Valutazione del prodotto alimentare dell'azienda da parte del cliente

Contribute too

You will be able to review both the producer and your product, contributing to the community and strengthening the relationship with the brand. During the purchase phase, this data and other information will help you make the right decision. Your review will be related not only to a type of product but to a specific batch.