The data life cycle, security at your service

Data management is simple and safe for both companies and consumers. The product is not only a material good but also the information that accompanies and the certainty that it is true

The multi-chain approach

Collection and selection

production chain

Validation and writing

smart contract

Logic and analysis

smart contract

Reading and verification


The data is distributed in the blockchain; each node has its data. Companies own the data, and it’s always available for them.

Traceability of the agri-food chain - Seedsbit


SeedsBit guarantees multi-chain tracking and tracing of products. Tracking represents the product itinerary directed forward in time, from the field to the table.

Whereas tracing analyses the inverse rout, from the table to the various raw materials that make up a given product.

Trust via blockchain


There is no need to trust only one production company data anymore!

Thanks to the innovative blockchain technology that uses encryption and consensus systems distributed among multiple companies, our solution allows its users to have shared consent and guarantees data immutability.

Food transparency thanks to the blockchain


All SeedsBit community participants can personally check what they bring to the table.

You can check different production processes, raw materials origin and much more!

Agri-food security with the blockchain


SeedsBit gives you greater protection and quality assurance on the food you have on the table. Thanks to our system, you have safe and certified access to the production details of the food you eat every day.

  • Who and where has treated that particular product you are consuming;
  • Conservation time;
  • Quality parameters;
  • And much more!